36th Anniversary Potluck Picnic
and Annual Meeting
Free and open to the public
Saturday, April 5, 2025
11:30 - 2
Colonial Oaks Park
5300 Colonial Oaks Blvd., Sarasota
Citizen of the Year
To Be Announced
Invitations to members and others will be mailed in March, followed by Email invitations to register at Eventbrite online
CGN is non-partisan. We work for all people who want to preserve our unique lifestyle and environment. So, while we're pleased for the wins, we realize that the losses (in some cases influenced by developers) mean Control Growth Now will need to get busier than ever. And that will require your help.
Engage: Follow us on social media and spread the word where you can.
Join: Becoming a member of Control Growth Now means you'll be an active participant in Sarasota County's future. Annual membership dues are only $20 a year. Click here to join.
Click here to renew.
Donate: Whether or not you're a CGN member, donations of any amount support our ability to further the cause—and they're welcome at any time. In fact, you can donate to CGN now.
Again, thank you for being part of the CGN community. Together, we will make sure our tax dollars are going toward the best possible future for Sarasota County!
For more than 35 years, Control Growth Now has attempted to protect and enhance all that makes Sarasota County a special place to live, work and visit.
Together, we endeavor to balance the big developers who use their largess with politicians to gain at the expense of our mobility, neighborhoods, environment, schools and quality of life. We work to control development in a way that is responsible and to make growth pay its own way rather than placing the costs of growth on the backs of the taxpaying public.
We also seek integrity in our elected officials, by calling out breaches of the public trust and supporting ethical candidates who seek to serve you, not just the special few.
Join us today in striving for a better tomorrow, for ourselves and for generations yet to come.
Join Control Growth Now, attend our events if you can, and do your part for a better tomorrow.
It's too important not to care.
Join like-minded Sarasotans and become a member of Control Growth Now. It's the best way to support our efforts with the small annual dues and connect with the people and information needed to maintain a reasonable growth path for Sarasota!